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Microsoft pushed Windows 10 Build 21327 with optimize the appearance of news and interests

Windows 10

Windows 10

For the Windows Insider project members of the Dev channel, Microsoft today launched the Windows 10 Build 21327 preview update. As the latest preview version of the 21H2 feature update code-named “Sun Valley”, the appearance of the “News and Interests” information stream on the taskbar has been optimized.

Microsoft said that the new design can further highlight the titles and content that users are interested in in the information flow, making your information flow more clear and attractive.

In addition, many system icons have received Fluent Design’s style adjustments and introduced a new font-Segoe Fluent Icons. For example, those interfaces that use Segoe MDL2 assets in the start menu and settings application have enabled a brand-new icon design, which has a more rounded and simplified look and feel.

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Users of ARM64 devices will also find from this Build version that the default architecture of PowerShell is now x64 instead of x86. You can check the complete changes which are mention below.

Windows 10 Build 21327 fixes the following content:

Known issues include

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