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Apple brings AirTags anti-tracking function again in iOS 14.5 beta

Apple AirTags

Apple AirTags

According to the latest reports, Item Safety Features is an anti-tracking protection feature launched for AirTags. This feature previously appeared in the iOS beta version in November 2020, and now it appears again in the latest iOS 14.5 for developers to use. The ability to track any item using the upcoming AirTags will obviously cause unknowingly tracking problems.

However, Apple solved this problem as early as the beta version of iOS 14.3 at the end of 2020, when it was found to include privacy features specifically designed to prevent such problems.

However, just as AirTags failed to go online at the time, some related codes of iOS 14 were deleted before it went online publicly. Including Apple’s apparent ability to alert users with an “unknown accessory detected ” prompt.

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If the user carries an AirTag that does not belong to them, this notification will be triggered. Because this may mean that it was planted, the notice says “This thing has been moving with you for a while.

The holder can see its location. If you feel your safety is threatened, please contact your local law enforcement agency. You may need the serial number of this item.”

Now, according to a report by Benjamin Mayo, the feature is back and displayed in a conspicuous manner in the latest iOS 14.5 beta. Apple has made a new setting for Item Safety Features, which can detect unauthorized AirTags or potentially other devices.

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