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Apple changed “subscription” to “follow” in the podcasting app of iOS 14.5

Apple Podcast

Apple Podcast

Based on feedback from listeners and users, Apple changed “subscription” to “follow” in the podcasting app of iOS 14.5. It is reported that the use of “subscription” may mislead podcast users that they need to pay to listen. In the iOS 14.5 test version, users click the “Follow” button in the “…” menu to follow favorite podcasts instead of “subscribe”.

In the iOS 14.5 update, in the design changes introduced by the podcasting app, the large “subscribe” button was also cancelled and changed to the “latest episodes” button. When you click “Latest episodes”, the app will now remind you that you have “followed” a podcast instead of “subscribed” to it.

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For other media, pod news believes that other apps such as Spotify, Audible, Amazon Music, and Stitcher also use the term “follow” instead of “subscribe.” Tom Webster of Edison Research told pod news that Apple’s shift from subscription to attention could have an impact on other applications in the podcasting industry.

He said: “Today, Apple, Spotify and YouTube are the three main platforms for playing podcasts. Now the word subscribe does not mean free and automatic download’. And podcasters have no other way, but only for their own Adjust the language accordingly, otherwise, it may confuse the listener.”

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