Citing the Wall Street Journal report, Telegram must find a way to pay creditors about $700 million before the end of April. Although the social application has added tens of millions of new users this year, it has also deposited a lot of debt in the development process, and this is the consequence of expanding equipment and bandwidth expenditures instead of trying to generate revenue for many years.
In order to pay this bill of nearly 700 million U.S. dollars, owner Pavel Durov is issuing 1 to 1.5 billion U.S. dollars of corporate bonds to investors and promised that if the company eventually goes public, it will provide discounted equity. He also announced plans to sell advertisements on the Telegram public channel as soon as later this year, and provide other high-quality services for businesses and users.
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At present, Telegram can be considered as the most powerful competitor threatening Facebook, and the number of monthly active users is expected to exceed 1 billion by the end of 2022. Under normal circumstances, messaging applications require a huge flow of funds to maintain, and many applications are currently exploring suitable revenue-generating business models.
WhatsApp (Facebook) has not yet established itself; Signal is based on donations and is operated by a non-profit organization; and Discord’s revenue last year was US$130 million, thanks to premium subscriptions, but it is still not profitable.
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