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Resident Evil Re:Verse available on Steam and you can play free during the beta

Resident Evil Re:Verse

Resident Evil Re:Verse

Resident Evil’s latest multiplayer game “Resident Evil Re:Verse” has been put on Steam in beta. It will be open on April 9th ​​and ends on April 12th. Just before you click, you need to bind your Steam account to your Capcom account, and all users can play for free.

The Xbox platform beta version of this work has also been launched, and the PlayStation store has also been launched.

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Game Introduction:

The popular “Resident Evil” characters in “Resident Evil Re:Verse” will be involved in a desperate fight! Test your skills against other players in the six-a-side deathmatch battlefield. But don’t forget that there are terrible biological weapons! Not only must you be proficient in the skills of heroes, but you must also be familiar with the combat capabilities of biological weapons in order to win!


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