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Browser developers Vivaldi and Brave clearly opposed Google’s FLoC ad tracking program



On the second day when Brave announced that it would disable Google’s new FLoC ad tracking feature by default in its browser, Vivaldi also expressed the same opinion. Considering that Brave and Vivaldi’s web browsers are both based on the same open-source Chromium engine as Google Chrome, technically they could have provided FLoC ad tracking, but the two companies obviously don’t want to do this.

Earlier, the Electronic Frontier Foundation also severely criticized Google’s move to grab the initiative from third-party cookies, and privacy-conscious DuckDuckGo also launched a Chrome extension update that prevents FLoC tracking.

Normally, when a user visits through a web browser, third-party cookies will track your related behaviors to help advertisers understand relevant interests and preferences, so as to launch more targeted advertising marketing.

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However, as more and more browsers begin to introduce privacy protection schemes, the advertising tracking mechanism based on traditional third-party cookies has also begun to appear somewhat inadequate. Google, which is dominating the world with its advertising business, obviously hopes to regain the initiative through FLoC.

As an alternative to third-party cookies, FLoC is called “joint queue learning”. In essence, it groups users according to their browsing habits so that advertisers can deliver personalized advertisements to a group of people instead of specific individuals.

However, Vivaldi pointed out that although it is difficult for third-party advertisers to reversely deduce users’ personal browsing habits through FLoC, Google itself, which has first-hand data and operates a huge advertising network, is clearly not the case.

As pointed out by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Google can use this to gain a greater advantage in the competition and further consolidate its monopoly position in the industry. Based on this, in addition to Vivaldi and Brave, which disable FLoC by default, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari are also unwilling to provide support for them.

For the advertising industry, it is clear that there is still a need to find a new solution that can balance the interests of all parties more than FLoC.

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