Following Kratos, the protagonist of the God of War series, another well-known game character from the Sony camp will also join the lineup of Fortnite. Today, after announcing the second round of additional funding for Epic, the heroine Aloi from “Horizon: Zero Dawn” is determined to join “Fortnite” on April 15.
Since the new season theme of Fortress Night focuses on the prehistoric era, this time Aloi’s linkage skin fits the game theme. However, like the previous skin of God of War Kratos, the Aloi skin is also limited to the use of “Fortnite” players on the PS platform.
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Epic specifically added a new double-row mode for Aloi and Laura this time. The two players forming the team will automatically be assigned to use one of Aloi and Laura, and use bows, arrows and double guns to deal with monsters. Now that both Microsoft and Sony have contributed the role of linkage skins for “Fortnite”, I don’t know if Nintendo has any ideas?
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