Yesterday Nintendo released the Switch system firmware upgrade with version number 12.0.3. Taking into account the same minor version upgrade as before, Nintendo did not mention the content of the specific update and upgrade feature.
It just said that it improves the user experience and System stability, but this new version of the system firmware was withdrawn urgently after a few hours. A few hours after the release of the Switch system firmware version 12.0.3, Nintendo suddenly withdrew this version.
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Although there are still upgrade files for the system on the official server, the version number currently detected and upgraded by the Switch host has changed back to 12.0.2. According to foreign netizens’ feedback, 12.0.3 may cause errors in eShop game downloads. Perhaps this is why Nintendo withdrew the new system.
Nintendo has never before withdrawn the new system to upgrade the firmware precedent, it seems that it is still not stable enough.
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