With the addition of group video calls, Telegram is quickly becoming the most feature-rich communication application and ecosystem in the modern world. Telegram has added group calling and screen sharing features to its voice chat function, allowing all devices to use these functions. This means that smartphones, tablets, and desktops are all the same.
To start a group video call, the users participating in the call must be in a group. The voice chat must be initiated by the administrator, and the administrator can initiate the above voice chat through the (menu) button (three dots on the vertical line) in the profile of their selected group.
If you are using Telegram on iOS, the group administrator should be able to see a “voice chat” button in the group profile, and the group video is limited to the first 30 people who “join the voice chat”. However, there are no restrictions on the audio-only participants in this group chat. According to Telegram, this restriction “will increase soon.” The number of people who can join the video chat will continue to increase.
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Group videos on desktop and tablet machines include a set of manageable group video call options. Users will have the option to click a button (usually in the upper right corner of the screen) to expand the group video chat to a split-screen view, or view it on the side.
Telegram also added screen sharing while group video chats. Users should now be able to access these new features in Telegram, applicable to Android, iOS, macOS and Windows desktop environments. If you still cannot access the group video chat, make sure to update to the latest version of the Telegram app.
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