At the beginning of April this year, a module developer named Nicich340 released a content expansion mod called Unforgettable Night and The Witcher 3 on the Nexus MODS website. The mod is mainly for the Witcher 3 DLC Blood and Liquor adds new content, including new adventure stories, equipment, cutscenes and other content.
All the voices in this mod are synthesized by AI, and the mod developer also dubbed Geralt’s new lines based on the AI synthesized voice of the original Geralt voice actor Doug Cockle. For some players and developers, this may be innovation and feat, but for professional voice actors, it is the opposite.
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Professional voice actor Jay Britton, who has voiced many popular games such as Original Sin 2 and Age of Ice and Steam, then tweeted: It is not only a soulless choice to replace real voices with AI synthetic voices. The legal minefield, if this is the case, why not erase all human intelligence in the game and replace it with AI?
In fact, in addition to the folk AI synthetic sound, major game manufacturers are also developing a similar technology of sound imitation. For example, when developing Outer World 2, Obsidian Entertainment used Sonantic to develop AI synthetic sound as a temporary replacement for real voice actors.
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