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Check another Windows 11 upgrade physical examination tool

Windows 11

Windows 11

Is your computer running Windows 11? To help you find the answer, Microsoft released the PC health check application and updated it to make it more useful, but then removed it due to too many questions.

So, how to check the compatibility of your system with Windows 11, especially the requirements of TPM? We have already introduced a tool called WhyNotWindows 11. It does a great job, but you can also try Windows 11SysCheck.

The difference is that Win11SysCheck is still an open-source tool, its operation is very intuitive, will give you a direct yes or no, if the answer is no, it will continue to provide useful information. Although WhyNot Windows 11 has a beautiful user interface, Windows 11SysCheck is based on the command line.

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It may not be so attractive in appearance, but it can at least provide you with the information you need. There is no more tool to choose from. Would be a bad thing. As you can see in the picture below, you can get the details of all compatibility checks:

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