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Tesla owners are angry with the $1,500 self-driving hardware upgrade fee



According to the latest reports, the launch of the $199 Full Self-Driving (FSD) subscription service has stabbed an unexpected hornet’s nest in the Tesla community. This feature means that, in theory, since 2016, any Tesla owner can try the FSD feature at a reasonable cost in a short period of time, without having to spend $10,000 for a feature that may be rarely used.

However, in actual operation, any Tesla older than 2 years needs to upgrade its hardware to Hardware 3.0 or FSD Computer, which costs US$1,500. This undoubtedly makes car owners angry. The root of consumer anger is that since 2016, when buyers buy Tesla, Tesla and Elon Musk assured them that their cars already contain all the hardware needed for FSD.

This was not a problem before, because the only FSD option was a one-time purchase of $10,000, which includes upgrading to Hardware 3.0-free if needed. This makes those who are promised their cars are ready for FSD, and in addition to software upgrades, they need to spend thousands of dollars to meet the requirements.

Tesla owners asked Tesla to provide free upgrades for those interested in FSD. What do you think of this?

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