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Verizon will use Google’s Messages as the default messaging app



According to reports, US telecom operator Verizon Telecom announced on Tuesday that starting next year, all Android phones sold by the company will use Google’s Messages as the default messaging application. Prior to this, both AT&T and T-Mobile US operators have also taken this measure. Their purpose is to fight against Apple’s iMessage service.

The function of Messages is similar to that of Apple iMessage, and both can use rich media communication to replace traditional mobile phone text messages. Apple iMessage is limited to users who use iOS devices and has not disclosed plans to be compatible with Android devices.

Users can use rich media information to send high-quality pictures and videos, and they can also use Wi-Fi and mobile phone traffic data to chat. AT&T and T-Mobile America also announced earlier this year that Google’s Messages will be the default messaging app for all Android phones they sell.

Before years ago, customers using Verizon’s Message+ application could also get comprehensive rich media communication capabilities. Verizon said in a statement.

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