In a blog post, the popular messaging app Telegram outlined a series of new updates to its app, the most important of which is Group Video Call 2.0, which allows up to 30 participants to have video calls. Share their camera signals and screen content, and can accommodate up to 1,000 viewers. Telegram joked that this limit will increase until all humans on the planet can join a group call.
The video information function has been updated, which means that the resolution of the classic circular video information is now higher. You can click on the information to expand the circular video, and you can also pause and refresh the video information. Your background audio will not be paused when recording a voice message.
Videos sent via Telegram can now be viewed at 0.5X, 1.5X or 2.0X speeds, and the Android system will also support 0.2X speeds. Telegram’s 1 to 1 video call now allows you to share the screen with sound, and the new automatic deletion interval allows you to automatically delete messages after one month. You can draw more accurately on pictures before sending them to friends or groups.
There are more animations on the password screen, and the information added to the chat will also be animated on the Android application in a new way. A new password reset option has been added to the program settings to help users recover their passwords within 7 days.
Finally, there are new animated emoticons, including emoticons for dancing, fisting, broken-hearted, and frowning faces. The iOS app has also been integrated with the camera app on iOS, so you can switch to zoom or wide-angle camera when you take photos directly on the Telegram app.