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Players who violate the Battlefield 2042 packaging and testing agreement may face severe penalties

Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042

EA is holding a technically closed beta for the new shooting game Battlefield 2042. Players participating in this closed test must sign an NDA agreement and promise not to share any details and video content of the test.

But every time there will be players who don’t take the NDA agreement seriously. EA stated that this was wrong and warned players who violated this agreement that after the official version of Battlefield 2042 is released, these players may be banned.

According to media reports, shortly after the start of the technical packaging and testing this week, some players on the PC platform began to upload and live broadcast the video images of the technical packaging and testing phase of Battlefield 2042. EA immediately took action and deleted these videos everywhere, but it is difficult to completely delete things that have been spread on the Internet.

Yesterday, the unbearable EA officially reminded all testers who signed the NDA agreement, warning them that if they continue to violate the agreement, it may lead to serious consequences. Adam Freeman, chief community manager of EA’s European studio, released a series of tweets about the closed beta of Battlefield 2042.

He introduced that EA has collected a lot of effective data based on this packaging and testing, and shared news about the cancellation of the PS5 version of the packaging and testing due to technical reasons. Finally, Freeman issued a series of warnings.

Freeman tweeted: The Xbox version of the test activation code has been issued. If you want to share it with your friends, don’t do it, this is invalid. Do not share the account with others, as this will lead to a very bad ending.

He reminded the players participating in this closed beta are under strict NDA agreement restrictions, and any videos, screenshots and live broadcasts are strictly prohibited. He also said that violating the NDA agreement may lead to crackdowns on uploading channels, and will also suffer long-term punishment.

Freeman said: Failure to comply with the regulations, in addition to losing the right to participate in this technical packaging test and subsequent EA testing, may also cause the players involved to be unable to enter the game when Battlefield 2042 is officially released. Within the past 48 hours, We have removed a large number of players from the testing phase, and they will not be able to continue testing the game this week.

Compared with the rules set by Microsoft and 343 last month for the technical packaging and testing of Halo: Infinite, it is more stringent. Players participating in the Halo: Infinite test can stream and share information at will.

But EA and DICE do not intend to make their tests open. However, most of the above warnings are just a kind of tactic, and it is still rare that the official version of the game is forbidden to play because of the violation of the NDA agreement.

However, to be on the safe side, players who are qualified to participate in the technical packaging and testing of Battlefield 2042 are best not to upload videos and live broadcasts.

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