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Sega’s new strategy game Humankind now on sale, with a favorable rating of 75%



Sega Strategy’s new work Humankind is now officially on sale, priced at $34. As of press time, Steam has a 75% favorable rate, with a total of 1084 reviews. In terms of praise, some players said that the completion of the work has been high, but there are still some bugs and areas to be optimized.

At the same time, the pace of the work is relatively fast, and the subsequent development will be very good work. In terms of negative reviews, most of the problems still focus on bugs, optimization, and network issues.

Secondly, the experience of the novice tutorial is not good, and it is not possible to switch the language at the beginning, so you need to enter the game after watching the English version of the game introduction to change the language.

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