According to Samsung, the Galaxy A51 is among the first phones in the series to sport an Infinity-O display and a macro camera. Apart from these highlight features, it has many of the same specifications as its predecessor, including its AMOLED display, processor, and design aesthetic. There isn’t a lot of competition at this price level, other than the Redmi K20 Pro (Review) and Redmi K20 (Review), which could be an advantage for Samsung.
The body of the Samsung Galaxy A51 has a similar design to that of the Galaxy A50s. We have an all-polycarbonate body, which is fairly light at just 172g, and quite slim too, measuring just 7.9mm in thickness. The glossy body is prone to picking up fingerprints but they’re not too visible on our Prism Crush Black unit. The finish of the rear is a little slippery too, but thankfully Samsung provides a case in the box.
After the dozens of devices received the August 2021 patch now the Galaxy A51 joins this list. Currently, this update rolled out in Brazil. Samsung’s August 2021 security update fixes 40 vulnerabilities related to privacy and security. It could also bring bug fixes and device stability improvements.
In this build, Samsung didn’t mention the single detail of this update. However, as we know, the security patch update basically improved the device’s stability and enhancement. As per the report, this software update comes with the build number A515FXXU5EUG7.
Owners of the Galaxy A51 can receive notification of this update. By chance you don’t receive an update notification then check the update manually by going to the device Settings >> Software updates >> Download and install.
Note: Before upgrading to the latest version make sure your smartphone is connected with a proper internet connection, we recommend you to download it over WIFI so that you will not face any error.