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Chrome 93 stable version released

Google Chrome

Google Chrome

For all supported platforms including Windows, macOS and Linux, Google today released a stable version of Chrome 93. This version entered the Beta channel on July 9 this year and is now open to all ordinary Chrome users.

Multi-Screen Window Setting

A new screen information API has been added, and the existing window placement API has been incrementally improved to enable web applications to provide an excellent multi-screen experience. The existing single window.screen provides a limited view of the available screen space, and the window placement function is generally bounded by the current screen. This feature opens up a modern multi-screen workspace for web applications.

Clipboard API: SVG

Added image/SVG + XML support in Async Clipboard API. Sites that support SVG may want to copy SVG images across sites, such as Figma and Photopea.

Note Add A New Note URL

Note-taking applications usually integrate operating systems and user agents. This adds a way for web apps to identify themselves as note-taking applications, and a declarative way to do simple note-taking operations: open a URL to jot down a new note.

WebOTP API: Cross-Device Support

Google plans to support the WebOTP API on the desktop when the Chrome Desktop and Chrome Android log in to the same Google account. The WebOTP API enables developers to programmatically read the one-time code sent to their origin from specially formatted text messages to reduce user friction. Currently, it is only available on mobile devices that support SMS.

Honor Media HTML Attribute For Meta Name=theme-Color

The media attribute of the meta element of meta[name=theme-color] will be recognized, so that website developers can adjust their website’s theme colors (for example, dark and light modes) based on media queries.

Remove 3DES of TLS

TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA is a relic from the era of SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0. 3DES in TLS is vulnerable to Sweet32 attacks. As a CBC cipher suite, it is also vulnerable to attacks by Lucky Thirteen.

Provide Material You Theme For Android 12

Android 12 introduced a dynamic theme design system called Material You. It creates a theme for the user interface of the entire phone based on your wallpaper. Chrome 93 now supports the Material You theme.

You can see that the theme color is reflected in the Chrome status bar, tabs, and settings. At the time of writing, this feature is behind a Chrome logo at chrome://flags#dynamic-color-android, but we expect it to be added to the stable version of the Android 12 version.

Google Search Bar In Chrome

Chrome 93 on Android continues to work on the new Google search user interface. As we introduced in the previous guide, when you navigate to the results site, the search results will appear in the top bar.

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