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Roblox fully restored after a long downtime



After experiencing the breakdown that started this Thursday night, Roblox seems to be back online on Sunday night. The company said in a tweet at around 4 pm Eastern time on Sunday that it was gradually bringing the regions back online, and subsequent tweets indicated that it had fully recovered. The outage began at 7 o’clock on October 28th, US Eastern Time, when the platform first reported that it had a problem and said it was working hard to get things back to normal.

Some speculated that the failure was caused by a cross-promotion with Chipotle, which went live about half an hour before the problem started, but the company stated that the failure was not related to any particular experience or partnership on the platform.

Roblox confirmed in a statement to The Verge later on Saturday that the outage was not the result of an external intrusion and that it had identified a potential internal cause. On Sunday, the company said in a tweet that it had identified the root cause and solution of the problem, but did not provide any further details.

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For this popular game construction platform with more than 40 million users every day, this is a very long failure. In this process, it provides very few updates, and there was an interval of nearly 24 hours between updates of the status page. For parents, this may also be a long weekend; more than 50% of Roblox players are under 13 years old.

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