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Adele persuaded Spotify to remove the shuffle feature in the album to require its songs to be played in order

Adele Persuaded Spotify

Adele Persuaded Spotify

According to CNET reports, after Adele asked to play in the order of the songs in her new album, SpotifAdele Persuaded Spotifyy has removed the shuffle button as the default option on the album page of its app, forcing the songs to follow this artist Intent to play.

In our ever-changing industry, this is my only requirement! the Grammy-winning singer said on Twitter on Saturday. It is not without reason that we paid so much attention and thought to our tracklist when we were creating the album. Our art tells a story, and our story should be listened to according to our intentions. Spotify apparently received this message and responded to Adele’s tweet by doing anything for you.

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Although the shuffle button no longer appears on the album page, the option is still visible when the user clicks to view the album’s tracks. Spotify did not immediately respond to a request for comment. 30 is Adele’s new album released after a lapse of six years. It was released on Spotify last Friday.

As mainstream culture shifts to streaming as the most common way to obtain music, Spotify has become the most important service in the world. The company reported in October that its total monthly listeners climbed 19% in the third quarter to 381 million.

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