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GTA Trilogy: The last patch works, fixed the rain too

GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition

GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition

Rockstar promised it: GTA Trilogy is to be fixed. And that’s what the creators of the series, along with Grove Street Games (developer of this special collection) are actually doing. The latest patch, which debuted in the past few hours, has managed to fix over 100 bugs and errors present in the first three games of the 3D series. However, the update did not just fix bugs but also allowed to fix one of the most controversial aspects of the title, namely the rain.

Anyone who played GTA Trilogy on day one will surely have noticed a small problem related to rain. Instead of being a real particle effect, in fact, it had been transformed into a sort of image with white lines, which did not follow the movement of the player and prevented the correct vision of the map. The result? In those moments of rain, everything was decidedly unplayable, with no possibility of appeal. And after the fan-created mod, now the official fix has arrived.

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The latest patch of GTA Trilogy has in fact corrected the rain too. Now the result, as you can see thanks to the screenshot released via Reddit, is definitely not only more similar to the old games but also correct. The original rain made certain missions literally unplayable, as it blocked the correct view of enemies, passersby and traffic. In short, not one of the best business cards for this special collection. Now, however, everything is fixed, but the road is obviously still long and uphill but we are sure that Grove Street Games and Rockstar Games will fix everything.

GTA Trilogy debuted on November 11, 2021, for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch and PC. The physical edition, originally scheduled for December, has been postponed, as we reported today. Finally, in the course of 2022, the versions dedicated to iOS and Android will also debut.

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