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BlackBerry OS has stopped running

BlackBerry OS

BlackBerry OS

On January 4, BlackBerry OS built by BlackBerry ceased service. According to the official statement, BlackBerry no longer provides old services applicable to BlackBerry7.1OS and earlier versions, BlackBerry10 software, BlackBerry PlayBookOS2.1 and earlier versions, and these traditional services and software connected via operators or Wi-Fi will no longer be reliable.

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Phone Arena pointed out that after the BlackBerry OS is suspended, related devices will not be able to make calls, send text messages, and even 911 (the U.S. alarm call) will not be able to make calls. This is equivalent to the user’s mobile phone being bricked.

In addition, affected by this, some applications such as BlackBerry Link, BlackBerry Desktop Manager, BlackBerry World, BlackBerry Protect, BlackBerry Messenger and BlackBerry Blend are no longer available.

It is worth noting that BlackBerry devices running the Android operating system are not affected, such as BlackBerry KeyOne, Key2 and Key2 LE, but most of these devices have stopped updating and are no longer officially maintained.

According to data, the peak period of BlackBerry was in 2009. The mobile phone giant captured 20% of the global market at that time, and it was in the limelight for a while. However, the brilliance of BlackBerry ends here. In 2010, the mobile phone industry began to fully enter the intelligent era dominated by the iPhone , and the BlackBerry era ended.

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