OxygenOS 11: Link to OnePlus model [Download]

Do you want to perform a download to try the new version of the first version of OxygenOS 11 based Android 11 You a plus? With Google’s latest major update for its mobile operating system, OnePlus also decided to adopt its proprietary interface. Announcement Chapter 11 Now, OxygenOS is in the public domain, and all innovations introduced are the responsibility of the development team.

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Compared with the previous version, OxygenOS 11 feels different from the Android concept. This is why there are many reasons to want to try it on OnePlus smartphones. Then, here, you will find a list of OnePlus models where OxygenOS 11 can be downloaded in this article.

OxygenOS 11 Stable: All versions can be downloaded for OnePlus

So far the latest OxygenOS 11 is stable. It is only available for duo consisting of OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro. But in the next few months, it will also be extended to previous models, and we will not update this page to include a link to the latest version available.

Model Version Full OTA Incremental OTA
OnePlus 9 put
OnePlus 9 Pro put
OnePlus 9R put put
OnePlus 8T put put
OnePlus 8 put put
OnePlus 8 Pro put put
OnePlus 7T (Global) put put
OnePlus 7T Pro (Global) put put
OnePlus 7 (Global) put put
OnePlus 7 Pro (Global) put put
OnePlus North 2 11.3.A.1 6 Download (from A.14
) Download from (A.15)
OnePlus North put put
OnePlus North CE put
OnePlus N10 11.0.2 put put
OnePlus N100 11.0.4 put put
OnePlus 6 put put
OnePlus 6T put put

How to install OxygenOS 11 after downloading

The installation process of OxygenOS 11 is the same for all OnePlus smartphone models listed here. After downloading the corresponding ZIP file, you need to move it to the root folder of the internal storage of the device. At this time, please go to System Update in Settings and click the gear icon in the upper right corner. In the displayed options, select Local Update, and then select the firmware copied to your smartphone.

After the installation is complete, you will run OxygenOS 11 Stable on your OnePlus smartphone. From now on, when the new update is finally available, you will receive an OTA notification. To avoid possible problems, we recommend that you make a backup and then format the memory for a fresh installation (even if it is not a mandatory installation, please consider yourself).

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