God of War 4 devs encourage players to make PC mods

God of War 4 has now officially landed on PC. Usually, when a large game is released on PC, many players will think of using Mods to modify the game. Some developers are very opposed to this, but the developers of God of War 4 do not. They encourage players to make mods to modify the game.

God of War 4 creative director Cory Barlog and technical production senior manager Matt DeWald revealed this in an interview with foreign media Gameinformer. While they didn’t add mod support to God of War 4 for PC, they wanted to see players being able to use mods to change the game.

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Barlog himself even stated that he prefers to play PC games with mods, saying: I think it’s cool. It’s fun. One of the coolest parts of playing PC games is that other people can add or improve the game and enhance your experience. GTA and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim are great examples, they just keep getting better just because players love it.

When asked by Gameinformer if mod support tools will be added in the future, the developer said there are no plans at the moment, but it’s not entirely out of the question. Barlog said: Our tools are hard. That’s what we do. We like tools that have difficulties. Our engine doesn’t really support that. Our tools are hyper-custom and complex at the core. So I don’t think it’s an It’s something that could happen in the future, but who knows.

The PC version of God of War 4 is now on sale, and according to the developers, we may have to wait a while to see the world of God of War modified by various mods.

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