Microsoft releases Office Insider Preview Build 14907.20000 to add new features

Microsoft has released the new Office Insider Preview Build 14907.20000 for Windows environment test users registered in the Beta channel of the Office Insider program. The latest Office Insider Preview Build includes an improved co-authoring error recovery experience, allowing to go back to a connected state after encountering a co-authoring error, and users will be able to send mail from a proxy account by selecting the desired address.

With the latest Office Insider Build installed, Windows users will be able to benefit from an autocomplete feature that automatically compares text entered in a cell with all items in a drop-down list, showing only matching items. This update also includes numerous bug fixes.

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You can learn more details about these features by reading the full official changelog below:


Collaborating with others while working in Word is an important productivity tool for many users, and interruptions can be very frustrating. We’ve now developed an improved recovery experience to quickly restore a connected state after a user encounters a coauthoring error.

This automatic refresh synchronizes all revisions between different authors, so you see the most up-to-date document possible. Fixed an issue that caused the app to close unexpectedly when Go to Comment was selected for the first comment in a document.


You asked for it! Outlook traditionally supports receiving email at addresses other than your default addresses (called proxy addresses, or aliases). Now you can also send emails from these proxy accounts by selecting the desired address. To use this feature, click Home > New Mail. In the information window, click the arrow to the right of the sender button and select Manage List.

Then you can add other sender addresses in the drop-down menu. Once done, click on the address you want to send the message to (via the sender menu). Write your email and hit the send button. Note that your tenant administrator must enable this feature to make it available to users.

  • Fixed an issue with Outlook searches that resulted in incomplete results when searching using the OnPrem service.
  • Fixed an issue where messages using digital rights management (DRM) could not be opened.


Facilitate your data validation with autocomplete for dropdown lists. Drop-down lists are a convenient way to make data entry and validation in Excel more efficient. We’ve now added autocomplete, which automatically compares the text entered in the cell with all the items in the drop-down list and displays only the matching items. You’ll spend less time scrolling through lists, dealing with data validation errors, or writing complex code to handle this task.


Fixed an issue where linked images might fail to load when opening a presentation programmatically in windowless mode.


Fixed an issue that prevented multiple users from opening a database when using network paths that included DFS namespaces, short filenames, or mapped drives.


Fixed an issue where SVG files exported from Visio would not display text correctly.

To update to the latest Microsoft Office Insider Preview Build, open an Office program and go to File > Account > Update Options > Update Now.

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