A few days ago, Google released the second beta of Android 12L and, with this version, brought a whole range of new features to the operating system in addition to bug fixes. Now the new operating system is about to be completed and users are being asked for their opinion. Of course, this only applies to Pixel users, but not to everyone.
Android 12L opens up a whole new path for Android because the operating system not only moves between Android 12 and Android 13 but also expands the circle of officially recommended devices to include tablets, foldable and Chromebooks. Accordingly, there are not only functional changes but also adjustments to the interface. Accordingly, one would like a short evaluation or assessment of the new product from the pixel users.
Users should rate Android 12L in the following categories: stability, performance, battery, device temperature, camera, Bluetooth, telephony quality, messaging, WLAN, mobile data, app experience and biometric security (fingerprint sensor/face recognition). According to Google, the short survey should take no longer than five to ten minutes and is completely anonymous.
At this late stage of Android 12L, it probably won’t have any impact, but it might have an impact on Android 13L, Android 12L.1, or whatever it’s called. Of course, only Pixel users who have already tried Android 12L are invited. As is well known, Pixel 6 users are not among them, because they still cannot test Android 12L.