The Google team is currently carrying out work on the launch of a new Chromecast series device with Google TV. The first model of this renewed range dates back to autumn 2020: Chromecast with Google TV was presented as a device to show off the new and improved Big G user experience for large screens.
Meanwhile, a lot of water has passed under the bridge, the competition has continued to run and the Google device has begun to feel the weight of the years in terms of technical specifications, starting with the not exactly abundant internal memory (some users have difficulty installing the latest updates due to the limited space available).
Well now, according to some internal documents on which the 9to5Google team has had the opportunity to set their sights, the Mountain View giant is working on a new device with an Android operating system identified by the code name Boreal.
The same code name also jumped out from some APK referable to Big G. From what we learn, in other words, the device known as Boreal would be strictly connected to the same Google TV Chromecast software for Android that is on board the first model. Chromecast with Google TV.
Unfortunately, no details are available on the technical specifications of this new device at the moment. A much-anticipated improvement, almost certainly coming with Boreal, is the hardware support for decoding the AV1 format, missing on the first model and now required by Android TV.
As for the launch period, there are rumors of arrival in the course of 2022 and it is far from unlikely. As for the positioning in the lineup, the new model may not replace that of 2020, but rather constitute a premium version, along the lines of what happened in the past with Chromecast Ultra and Nexus Player.