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Reddit testing new feature, allows users to hold NFT assets as avatars

Reddit NFT

Reddit NFT

Reddit is testing a new feature that allows users to set their holdings of NFT assets as avatars, not limited to their own CryptoSnoos (Reddit limited release last year, based on Ethereum). Recently, Twitter has also launched a similar function, allowing users to set NFTs as avatars.

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After clicking on the photo, NFT-related information will be provided and presented in hexagons to distinguish standard personal avatars. In a statement provided to TechCrunch, Reddit explained that this particular NFT test is in very early stages and is not yet available to public users on the site.

Reddit spokesman Tim Rathschmidt said: We are always exploring how we can provide value to users and the community on Reddit. Currently, we are testing the ability to use NFTs as profile pictures (avatars) and verify ownership. This is small-scale internal testing, and no decision has been made to expand or expand this capability.

Reddit has been experimenting with various initiatives around NFTs for some time now and even has a dedicated page for NFT-related activities at For now, the page focuses on CryptoSnoos, Reddit’s own digital collectible.

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