The stable version of Microsoft Edge has now come to version 98.0.1108.43, indicating that this Chromium-based browser will also usher in the last two or two number versions.
In terms of functional updates, this version enhances the security features on the network. This is a browsing mode in Microsoft Edge where browser security is prioritized, giving users extra protection while browsing the web.
Administrators can apply Group Policy to Windows, macOS, and Linux desktops to prevent malicious attacks (also known as zero-day exploits). The following group policies support this browsing mode:
- Enhanced Safe Mode
- Enhanced SecurityModeBypassListDomains
- EnhanceSecurityModeEnforceListDomains
Use your site’s profile preferences to personalize the multi-profile experience. Users can personalize their multi-profile experience by creating custom site lists to automatically switch profiles in Microsoft Edge.
The upcoming three-digit version number in the user-agent string. Starting with version 100, Microsoft Edge will send a three-digit version number, such as “Edge/100”, in the User-Agent header. Starting in Microsoft Edge 97, site owners can test this upcoming user-agent string by enabling the #force-major-version-to-100 experimental flag in edge://flags to ensure their user-agent parsing logic Robustly and works as expected.
Deprecate Plan B SDP semantics for WebRTC. This change deprecates the legacy Session Description Protocol (SDP) dialect called Plan B. This SDP format will be superseded by the Unified Project, a specification-compliant and cross-browser compatible SDP format.
Overlay scrollbar added to Microsoft Edge. The new version restyles the scroll bar with an overlay-based design. You can enable this feature in edge://flags.
Additionally, Microsoft has released the latest Microsoft Edge Stable Channel (version 98.0.1108.43), which contains the latest security updates for the Chromium project. For more information, see the Security Update Guide. This update contains the following Microsoft Edge specific updates: