We don’t know exactly how long it will take, but it’s clear by now that it’s not long – we’ll see PlayStation VR2 soon. In part, Sony has already shown us a fundamental portion of the project last year, with the VR2 Sense controllers already done and finished.
At the end of last week, after a long radar silence, the Japanese giant decided to rekindle the spotlight on the next generation of its Virtual Reality system, launching the official site dedicated to PS VR2: a move that suggests how the presentation can be close, also because Bloomberg had already talked about a debut on the market by 2022 last year.
In short, all the clues point towards a project now ready to be revealed in all its details and marketed. But if Sony, despite having shown the controllers, has not yet revealed the new headset, perhaps there is a reason that goes beyond the marketing strategy.
The clue comes from Tobii, a company specializing in the production of technologies for eye-tracking: with an official press release, in fact, the company today announced that it is in talks with Sony to provide the technology that will then be integrated into the new viewer.
The curious aspect is that, in fact, Tobii has decided to publicly declare that the relationship with Sony is in the process of being defined, but in fact it has not yet been signed, thus outlining a scenario different from what the Japanese giant moves. they hinted: the project exists, but before starting production there is still (at least) a crucial agreement to be realized.
Tobii’s choice could be read as a tactic to put pressure on Sony, making it understand that before proceeding with its own plans, it probably should not assume that the collaboration is done without first carefully listening to the requests of the other party. In short: what we see could be a ripple that reveals a deeper catch on the surface, perhaps capable of delaying the schedule planned for PS VR2. Waiting for more information, we just have to wait.