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Windows 11 upgrade has another bug: The CPU is abnormally hot and the printer cannot work

Windows 11

Windows 11

A few days ago, Microsoft pushed the Build 22000.526 (KB5010414) system to Windows Insider users in the Beta and Release Preview channels.

This version of the update mainly includes a number of improvements to the taskbar, which supports displaying the clock and date on the taskbar of other monitors when using a multi-monitor configuration.

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Microsoft wrote in the changelog: “If the taskbar is aligned in the center, we add the weather content to the left side of the taskbar. When you hover over the weather, the Widgets panel will appear on the left side of the screen, will disappear when you stop hovering over the area”.

However, the upgrade of Windows 11 Build 22000.526 inevitably brings a new wave of bugs. At present, it mainly focuses on two aspects. One is that the printer cannot work. Some netizens said that after uninstalling this update, it will return to normal. Obviously, this upgrade patch is required. pot.

Another problem is the abnormally high CPU temperature because the Windows 11 Build 22000.526 system will cause the CPU to be in a high load state, resulting in an abnormal temperature.

At present, Microsoft has not confirmed the problem of the Windows 11 Build 22000.526 system, and those who have not upgraded can wait and see.

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