How to fix Google Play Protect Certification error

On Android devices, there is a feature called “Google Play Protect”, which is used to protect your device against harmful apps. Play Protect requires a certification, depending on the device’s software fingerprinting model.


If you’re using a Generic System Image (GSI), or an unofficial custom ROM, this certification may be broken. In this guide, we’re going to teach you how to fix this error in the simplest way!

Fixing Play Protect Certification

In order to fix this error, you will need to get your device’s Google Services Framework ID. In order to get this ID, you will either need to use an app called “Device ID”. It’s available on the Play Store, but since you can’t access it due to this error, here is a link to the APK file for the app.

Now, to fix the error, you will need to copy the code under the title “Google Services Framework (GSF)“, as shown in the picture below.

Now, after copying this line, go to this certification page by Google, and paste the line into the “Google Services Framework Android ID” section shown below, complete the captcha and register your device.

After this, reboot your device, and it should now be certified! It may take a few minutes for the certification to be registered, so be patient if it doesn’t get certified instantly. We hope this guide helped you!

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