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Musk donates about $5.7 billion worth of Tesla stock to a charity after being forced by UN officials



Tesla CEO Musk said in his F5 report to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that he will donate 5.04 million special shares to an unnamed charity on November 19-29, 2021. SLA stock.

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On November 4th of that year, Tesla’s stock price hit a record high of $1,243.49, and it traded in the range of $1,062.00-1,201.95 during the reporting period. Based on Tesla’s closing price in November last year, the donation was worth about $5.7 billion.

Earlier, Beasley, head of the United Nations World Food Program, called on billionaires such as Musk and Bezos in an interview to donate to help address hunger in impoverished areas. Beasley proposed that a donation of $6 billion, or 2% of Musk’s net worth, could help 42 million people around the world who are on the brink of starvation.

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