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Halo Infinite: 343 Industries realizes that players have lost patience

Halo: Infinite

Halo: Infinite

343 Industries community director Brian Jarrard admitted, speaking on Twitter, that those Halo Infinite players have lost patience at this point, given how slowly the game is progressing after launch.

Welcomed with enthusiasm thanks to the excellent gameplay that distinguishes it, especially with regard to multiplayer, Halo Infinite immediately received criticism for the excessively slow progression system.

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After some adjustments that have somewhat improved the situation, the criticisms then shifted to the slowness with which not only the contents but also the information on upcoming news arrive and Jarrard realizes that the situation is difficult for users, as well as for the developers.

That Season 2 would arrive only 6 months after its launch was known before the release of Halo Infinite, but in the meantime, even the mid-season update has brought little actual news, considering that the maps and game modes still do not very many in the standard rotation.

“There are certainly a lot of challenges and limitations,” Jarrad explained, “Of course, we are not happy that we are not able to meet the expectations of the community, it is a difficult situation that takes time from the team.” In any case, Season 2 is coming and should bring some big news, of which we have already seen the first details in the past few weeks.

“At the moment the focus is all on Season 2 and we will have more information coming in the coming weeks,” explained Jarrard, who otherwise sincerely admitted to understand the situation of the players: “We understand that the community is simply impatient and frankly I believe that is understandable. We just need some time to put the information together and then be able to provide all the details that we can share as soon as possible. “

In particular, news are also awaited regarding the cooperative mode and the Forge mode , two elements particularly awaited by the Halo community.

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