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Assassins Creed: Who invented the hidden blade?

Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed

The Assassin’s Creed series represents one of the most famous and iconic brands in the history of video games, a saga that has made Ubisoft’s fortunes and has also achieved transpositions to the big screen and other forms of entertainment, such as books and comics – on our pages. you can find an in-depth study on the Assassin’s Creed books.

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Among the main characteristic symbols of the series, it is certainly possible to include the Hidden Blade, the instrument of death par excellence of those who are part of the Sect of Assassins. Almost an aura of sacredness hovers over it, and many players are wondering when and how this weapon was born during the official timeline of the saga.

The invention of the first example of Lama Celata is attributed to Darius, a kind of Greek proto-assassin who in 465 BC used the blade to kill Xerxes I, the emperor at the head of the Persian army sent to invade and subdue the whole of Greece. . Almost two thousand years later, during the events of Assassin’s Creed 2, Leonardo Da Vinci made important changes to the weapon on behalf of the Assassin Ezio Auditore da Firenze, making it no longer necessary to amputate the ring finger to be able to comfortably use the Hidden Blade.

In Assassin’s Creed Origins and Odyssey the Hidden Blade then disappeared, a choice justified by the developers due to the historical period in which the two titles were set, and then returned in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla in the form of a blade grafted on the outer side of the protagonist’s forearm – as you can see in the cover image.

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