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Microsoft Office will launch 14 new Excel functions to assist with text and arrays

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office

Microsoft has introduced 14 new Excel functions for Office Insider members that can be used to assist with text and arrays.

Text manipulation functions

When working with text, a common task for users to accomplish is to “split” text strings using delimiters. Microsoft has released three functions that allow users to return everything before or after the delimiter selected by the user, and can also “split” text into multiple segments.

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TEXTSPLIT Functionarray manipulation functions

to make it easier to build spreadsheets with dynamic arrays, Microsoft has released 11 new array manipulation functions.

Merge arrays

Adjust the array form

Resize the array

These 14 new functions can be used in Office Beta Channel version 2203 (build 15104.20004) or later for Windows, and office 16.60 (build 22030400) or later for Mac.

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