For World Password Day, Google shares 10 tips for using passwords

May 5th is World Password Day (World Password Day). Today, Google shared 10 suggestions, hoping to help you develop good password usage habits and protect the dozens of passwords you use. Even hundreds of accounts.

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Take a look at these 10 suggestions:

  • Set a different password for each account, do not reuse passwords, especially those for more important accounts, otherwise, once the password of one account is stolen, other accounts will face serious risks, resulting in the leakage of emails or addresses. and even economic losses;
  • The longer the password, the harder it is to crack. If the situation allows, it is better to be longer than 12 characters;
  • When setting the password, use a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols;
  • When setting a password, be “creative” as necessary, and do not use personal information, or information that is easily known or guessed by others, such as date of birth, pet’s name and zip code, etc.;
  • Treat the password as a secret that needs to be kept strictly, and do not share the password with others, even relatives or friends;
  • Use a password manager to set, memorize and store passwords;
  • Maintain regular updates of default passwords;
  • Use the password checking tool to check the strength of the password and whether it has been stolen or reused in different accounts, etc.;
  • Add information such as a phone number or email address to the account to recover the account if the password is stolen;
  • Set up additional verification methods for the account, such as two-step verification.

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