There is less than a month to go until the release by the Google developer team of the next Pixel Feature Drop, an expected update that will bring some new features to the smartphones of the Google Pixel series.
With the third beta of Android 12 QPR3, ie the latest beta release of this update, the developers have reintroduced an icon, to say the least, “iconic” on the status bar at the top of the display, an old acquaintance of the users of the OS Google mobile: we are talking about the vibration mode icon, as well as a special switch to enable or disable the related functionality.
A much-loved icon returns with the Pixel Feature Drop in June
It seems that at the moment this icon is not shown on the unlock screen but this could only depend on a bug that should be solved by the developers before the release of the final version of the update.
As shown by this screenshot shared by a user on Reddit, a special new option has appeared in the menu dedicated to sounds and vibrations to allow users to decide whether to constantly display the icon when the device is in vibration mode.
We remind you that on the Google Pixel series smartphones it is possible to quickly enable the vibration mode by pressing the volume button on the right side of the phone: this, in fact, brings up the volume slider and the icons for managing the audio modes and touching that of the vibration the relative mode is activated.
To date, to know if this mode is activated, it is necessary to swipe down from the top of the screen to display the vibration icon in the top bar but, apparently (and barring last-minute second thoughts), a Once the June Pixel Feature Drop has been installed, this “trick” will no longer be necessary.
This is, in essence, a small novelty that will not revolutionize the user experience but will improve it, especially in certain situations (think of the case in which you are at a meeting or a show and you want to be sure that your phone does not will ring).
If this new Android 12 QPR3 Beta 3 feature is making you want to join the beta program, you should first read the clarifications provided by Google with reference to how to join and the timing of the updates. If, on the other hand, you prefer to be cautious and wait for the Pixel Feature Drop to be ready for all users, just be patient until the beginning of June.