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Pokemon Go will receive new ingress-style social features

Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go

While they wait for May Community Day continues, Niantic has announced that in the coming month Pokémon GO will be enriched with new social features. The goal of these new features, whose arrival is expected over the next few months, is to facilitate the meeting, aggregation and communication between Pokémon GO Trainers, who will be able to organize themselves more easily in view of the events group and form communities without using third-party platforms.

Niantic hasn’t explained these phantom functions in detail, but we can expect something very similar to what it recently implemented for Ingress (another of its augmented reality apps), which is a standalone application specifically designed to simplify communication.

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In early May, some Ingress Agents gained access to a separate app that includes features such as:

To make the wait more enjoyable, Niantic has decided to help Trainers by providing Mega Energy and Rare XL Candy as rewards for completing local raids. In addition, with the aim of bringing gamers back together after two years of the pandemic, from May 23 the store’s 1 Pokémon Age event pack will no longer include passes for remote raids, but a series of rotating items.

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