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Blizzard: Diablo 4 will continue to update in the next few years

Diablo 4

Diablo 4

At today’s Xbox & B press conference, Blizzard released a necromancer promotional video for Diablo 4, confirming that the game will be officially released in 2023. Later, some developers revealed more information in interviews and on Twitter. Rod Fergusson, general manager of the Diablo franchise, said the game will be supported “for years to come,” in a way that hints at the game’s sheer size.

He also tweeted: “To be clear, Diablo 4 is a full-price game for PC/PS/Xbox players, and we’re committed to delivering an incredible amount of content post-launch…more More details to be announced soon!”

The developer said that this game will present a terrifying and eerie aesthetic. The open world of the game contains 150 dungeons, which can become friendly towns after clearing hostile areas. There are also gameplays such as challenging the world Boss, you can cooperate with other players to challenge, support cross-platform online, and also have an exclusive PVP area.

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