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Instagram starts testing full-screen video UI experience

Instagram Full-Screen Video

Instagram Full-Screen Video

Recently, the photo social network Instagram was found to be testing a new full-screen mode and an updated navigation bar, but this is obviously reminiscent of its rival TikTok, which it wants to catch up.

Meta spokeswoman Seine Kim said the test, the latest step for Instagram, has been rolled out to a small number of users in an effort to make content on the platform more discoverable and provide users with a more immersive browsing experience.

If you’re lucky enough to be included in this round of niche testing, you’ll get an almost full-screen viewing experience when scrolling through the feed (the bottom navigation bar is still there, after all).

The video introduction and favorite, comment, share and other buttons will be arranged near the bottom of the interface, and the Instagram watermark will be placed in the upper left corner.

In fact, last month, Instagram has already made a design attempt to emphasize the video experience – the top and bottom of the interface are left blank, but the main navigation bar remains basically the same – and the company intends to introduce new content or messages here. shortcut.

Earlier, though, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg shared information about the UI experiment on his Instagram story. While it claims that photos are still a big part of Instagram, the company is also working to keep the platform compatible with full-screen video content — at least Instagram leadership has made it clear that still, images are no longer a focal point for the app.

Finally, it was recently reported that Meta is implementing changes to the underlying feed algorithms of Facebook and Instagram in an attempt to keep up with how young people use the social network.

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