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Tesla black employees demanded retrial of racial discrimination case



Owen Diaz, a former black contract worker at Tesla, has refused to accept $15 million in compensation. He had previously sued Tesla, alleging racist abuse at the Northern California factory, but a judge has slashed the $137 million ($900 million) he previously received in damages.

Diaz told U.S. District Judge William Orrick on Tuesday that he would not agree with the 89 percent drop. Diaz’s attorney, Larry Organ, said Diaz plans to seek a new trial.

In an emailed statement, Ogan said: “Diaz asked for a new trial to deny the court an excessive cut in damages, and he again asked the jury to assess what Tesla had done to him to provide for the flood of racist insults directed at him.

Just Reparations. Diaz seeks to restore a fair and equitable award of punitive damages to punish and deter Tesla’s racist conduct against Diaz and prevent future harassment.”

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