Edge Browser 103 version released

The official version of Microsoft Edge browser 103 was released, and the specific version number is 103.0.1264.37, including some changes, security upgrades and minor improvements.

Edge 103 includes the following improvements:

  • Ability to control automatic profile switching: The GuidedSwitchEnabled policy allows Microsoft Edge to prompt the user to switch to the appropriate profile when it detects that a link is a personal link or a working link.
  • Client Certificate Switcher: This feature will provide users with a way to clear the remembered certificates and redisplay the certificate selector when visiting sites that require HTTP certificate authentication. Switching can be done without manually exiting Microsoft Edge.
  • More reliable network defense: With the Microsoft Defender SmartScreen library rewritten for Microsoft Edge on Windows, users will be provided more reliable protection while browsing the web. The NewSmartScreenLibraryEnabled policy will allow enterprise customers to continue using older versions of the library until it is deprecated in Microsoft Edge version 105.
  • Job search banner in Edge address bar: This banner helps users stay in the workflow by narrowing the search focus to job-only results. Users can select a banner when a search begins and can turn this feature on or off using the AddressBarMicrosoftSearchInBingProviderEnabled policy.

Edge 103 also adds several new strategies:

  • GuidedSwitchEnabled – Enables the guided switch
  • InternetExplorerZoomDisplay – Display zoom in IE mode tab with DPI scale as in Internet Explorer
  • LiveCaptionsAllowed – allows live captions
  • OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled – Origin-keyed agent cluster enabled by default
  • SleepingTabsTimeout – Sets the background tab inactivity timeout for sleeping tabs. Note: A 30-second inactivity timeout is added to this policy.

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