Fallout London as Starfield: Fallout 4’s huge fan made expansion comes out in 2023

Team FOLON, the amateur developer collective that is shaping the gigantic fan-made expansion Fallout London, choose to “compete” with Bethesda by announcing that their ambitious Fallout 4 mod will be available in 2023, just like Starfield.

To confirm this is the same members of the FOLON team with the latest gameplay video of Fallout London published on social networks, a trailer full of panoramic views and in-game scenes are taken from the settings of this “total conversion” of Fallout 4 that will bring fans of the series exploring the London Wasteland.

From an exquisitely content point of view, the mod in question promises to give dozens of hours of fun to Fallout 4 fans thanks to the addition of a huge free-roaming setting, a virtual scenario full of unpublished enemies, original weapons, and still mutant creatures.

ore bizarre (and ferocious), unpredictable weather effects, factions to interact with, and narrative lines to discover by interacting with NPCs. According to the FOLON team, the explorable region of Fallout London will boast the same size as the Commonwealth, the “base” map of Fallout 4.

Did you know that the author of Fallout London was hired by Bethesda? Waiting to find out the official launch date of this impressive mod, we remind you that in 2023 the fans of RPG Bethesda embark on the Starfield space adventure on PC, Xbox Series X / S and Game Pass.

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