Google will add Flyover-like aerial views to Maps

Google announced Wednesday that it will add “realistic aerial perspectives” to nearly 100 landmarks in Google Maps, The Verge reported. According to Google, the views allow users to overlook landmarks in cities including Barcelona, ​​London, New York, San Francisco and Tokyo, reminiscent of Apple Maps’ Flyover feature.

You can get an idea of ​​what the new bird’s-eye view will look like in this GIF from the company:

According to a blog post by Amanda Leicht Moore, director of products for Google Maps, the aerial view is the “first step” in rolling out the “immersive view,” which the company demonstrated at Google I/O. Google spokesperson Genevieve Park told The Verge that “immersive views” will also include indoor views and information like traffic and weather layered on the map. At I/O, Google said Immersive Views will begin rolling out in Los Angeles, London, New York, San Francisco and Tokyo “later this year.”

In addition to the bird’s-eye view, Google will also bring some other new features to Maps. For cycling directions, users will be able to see additional information such as whether the particular road the user will be instructed to travel on is a primary or secondary road, whether their route includes stairs or steep hills, and whether they will encounter busy traffic, etc. If someone shares their location with you, you can be notified when they arrive or leave a location. Apple’s “Find My” app provides similar functionality.

The new bird’s-eye view and location-sharing notifications are now rolling out globally on iOS and Android, Moore said. Updated cycling route information will be available “in the coming weeks”.

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