Star Citizen is updated with the alpha 3.17.2 available in these hours and launched practically by surprise, considering that Cloud Imperium Games had reported foreseeing the release for July 2022 but had not announced a precise release date.
This is a very substantial update for the space simulation in question, of which we had already seen some features in the video on the FPS phases and the Siege of Orison event. The update requires the download of 4.5 GB of data, so it is not huge compared to others seen previously, however it brings with it several interesting news.
Among these we note the presence of smuggling missions, which emerge if you have an active CrimeStat, the Colonial Outposts positioned on planets and each characterized by looks and other interesting elements, the “reclaimers” positioned on the surface of some planets, near wrecks of crashed ships, the increase of the player cap on the servers, which can now reach 100, doubling the previous limit and various other improvements and novelties.
Among the increases, there are also some improvements to the artificial intelligence that governs different aspects of the game, including NPCs and the navigation system, in addition to the introduction of the Siege of Orison event and the new Anvil Centurion vehicle.
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