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Blizzard against the Diablo 4 leaks

Diablo 4

Diablo 4

As reported by, Blizzard is scanning the network in search of the leaked material of Diablo 4, with the aim of having the material in question removed, including videos and screenshots.

Since last Friday, a lot of material about Diablo 4 has leaked on the net, these are assets taken from a private test build and that in no way had to circulate among the public. In addition to the title screen, we saw the Diablo 4 character editor in action and other images and videos were shared on social media, apparently creating quite a few problems for Blizzard.

Currently, the company is trying to have the offending material removed and by the time we write, for example, videos and images are no longer available on Twitter while the stolen material is still visible on Reddit and Imgur.

The first opinions on Diablo 4 are positive but obviously, developers and publishers did not like the leak, the leaked material is obviously not definitive and is taken from a test version, so the public could get confused and not correctly understand the exact nature of images and videos.

Diablo 4 comes out in the course of 2023, a Beta could arrive in the next few months before the debut on the market.

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