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Hearthstone 24.4 patch goes live

Hearthstone Patch 24.4

Hearthstone Patch 24.4

Hearthstone is a free-to-play online digital collectible card game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. Originally subtitled Heroes of Warcraft, Hearthstone builds upon the existing lore of the Warcraft series by using the same elements, characters, and relics. Read More…+

Recently, we made an article and informed that the iOS problems encountered after the iOS 24.2 patch update have been fixed. So this problem is fixed, iOS users now go to App Store and update the client and after that, you can go to the game normally.

According to the latest report, now the Hearthstone 24.4 patch has officially been released with a bunch of new features and also there are so many bugs that are fixed in this update. You can check the complete patch notes which are mentioned below.

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Hearthstone 24.4 Patch Notes:

General Updates

Returning Hero

Sylvanas Windrunner (Armor Tier 1)

This new hero will be available in all lobbies for two weeks after patch launch.

New Cosmetic: Legendary Battlegrounds Boards

Introducing Legendary Battlegrounds Boards! Legendary Boards have six different visuals one for during the recruit phase and one for the combat phase, as well as special modifiers for when you are in the Top 4, when you are on a winstreak, when you are at low Health, and when you land a big hit! Experience the whole range of Legendary animations with the new Murloc Hideaway Legendary Battlegrounds Board, available starting October 11.


Mercenaries Updates

General Updates

New Mercenaries

Murloc Holmes (Legendary Protector)

Ysera (Legendary Fighter)

Bwonsamdi (Epic Fighter)

Korrak the Bloodrager (Legendary Caster)

Archimonde (Epic Caster)

Prince Malchezaar (Rare Protector)

Neeru Fireblade (Rare Caster)

Nemsy Necrofizzle (Rare Caster)

Garona Halforcen (Rare Fighter)

Khadgar (Epic Caster)

Archmage Khadgar (Transformed Form)

Medivh (Legendary Protector)

Tess Greymane (Rare Protector)

Genn Greymane (Epic Protector)

Genn Greymane (Worgen Form) (Fighter)

Aranna Starseeker (Rare Caster)

Merc Updates

Some existing mercs have been updated to incorporate the new Charge mechanic.


Zar’jira, the Sea Witch


Warmaster Voone

King Krush

Old Murk-Eye

New Zone and Bounties

We are welcoming the Darkmoon Troupe to Mercenaries in a brand-new Zone, spanning 11 new Bounties. We are also adding five new Bounties to the Felwood Zone, and 3 more new Bounties to the Blackrock Mountain Zone.

Duels Updates

Arena Updates

On September 27, when Maw and Disorder launches, all current Arena runs will end and a new Arena season will begin. The eligible card sets will rotate so that the following sets will make up the Arena card pool:

Early Progression and Milestone Offer Updates

Apprentice (new player ranks) and low internal-rating players (colloquially called “MMR”) may now face up against AI opponents when playing on the ranked Standard ladder. This will help said players have a more fun experience while learning the game. Experienced players will not face these AI opponents, and they will have no impact on MMR, leaderboards, or legend ranks. Most players advance beyond the affected MMR range upon leaving Silver or Gold ranks.

Additionally, milestone shop offers are returning to celebrate Standard ladder progression in October. This time, some players will be offered Battle-Ready Decks as part of those offers. Upon reaching Bronze, those players will be offered a Battle-Ready Deck for their most-played class. Upon reaching Platinum, they will be offered a second Battle-Ready Deck for their second most-played class.

Bug Fixes and Game Improvements

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