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Sony document reveals that PS6 estimate release date after 2027



PS6 was released in April 2021 with storage enhancements, built-in wireless, an updated user interface, and VR integration. Now, PS6 the estimated release date declared by Sony is after 2027. The new release date of the PS6 is a partially-redacted document provided by the company. This release date document is now publically available for perusal as part of a continued probe by the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority.

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Now PS5 has at least a seven-year lifecycle

This document has around 22 pages. As per Page 8 of the document Sony claims Microsoft had “offered to continue making Activision’s games available on PlayStation only until 2027.” Further on, it continues:

By the time SIE launched the next generation of its PlayStation console (which is likely to occur around [redacted]), it would have lost access to Call of Duty and other Activision titles, making it extremely vulnerable to consumer switching and subsequent degradation in its competitiveness.

Sony plans to roll out the PS6 in the same year but the document is redacted. So, the users of PlayStation already know that this PS6 will go to release after 2027. It means till the release of the PS6, PS5 users have the seven-year to play with this version.

Finally, this release year gap also happened with the PS4. PS5 was released after the seven-year of PS4.

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