Google discloses fact about Pixel’s bird feathers wallpapers

Google’s Pixel 7 is one of the exciting smartphones and its bird feathers wallpapers are impressive. These wallpapers also appear in the Pixel Tablet and Pixel Fold images. Most of the time developers prefer smartphone wallpapers such as landscape photography, texture 3d figures, and other but Google include feathers.

Now Pixel art Director Eunyoung Park and Bronwyn Jones telling the facts about the feathers wallpapers. They said choosing bird feathers as wallpapers because they inspired them. The liveliness, positivity, and daring all put these facts in their Pixel phone as features.

This wallpaper is quite a progression from previous generation flower wallpapers. For getting the feathers wallpapers they clicked around thirty bird species with experts related domain. During this process, they work with bird specialists also there for birds’ needs.

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When photos are ready they are given to the team device for further processes like color improvements and others.

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